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Walter Raemisch

Contemporary Artist & Photographer


"I am an artist, a mixed media visual artist, enthusiast of all things typographic and a contemporary fine art photographer. Perhaps being an artist should cover all those bases but sometimes it takes a different medium or a mix of them to satisfy a creative challenge or personal interpretation. These trying times have made the arts our saviour, a place to escape and express our fears and celebrate our joys. We are all artists.


I studied Advertising Art and majored in Design in college. While working as a freelance illustrator and managing my own business, (Raemisch Designs, later Raemisch Stewart & Associates), and working as a layout technician at the local newspaper, I started to teach Art and Calligraphy classes at night school. I loved giving back and sharing my creative  strategies so much I decided to get my teaching diploma from the University of Western Ontario - Althouse College.


After landing a job in Toronto at an auditioned Arts School teaching high school students Graphic Design and Video Production, I eventually became the Department Head and stayed at that high school for over 20 years. I still develop curriculum and teach but I have also had a resurgence in my own artistic pursuits that have spanned commercial to fine art for the last three decades.


Have a look through my website and follow me on Instagram (everydayrae). Feel free to drop me a message or ask a question if any of my creations appeal to you. Fine Art Prints and files are available for purchase."


Speaking Engagements & Presentations


April 9th, 2018.    The Forest City Photographers' Guild - Design Principles


May 14th, 2019    The Forest City Photographers' Guild - The Art of Observation


Oct. 3rd, 2019      London Camera Club - The Art of Observation


Jan. 7th, 2020      Windsor Camera Club - Enjoying the Process


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